Renewable Energy & Solar Panels for Farms

    Environmental Energies

    Solar Panels for Farms & Agriculture

    Here at Environmental Energies, we understand how the increasing costs of electricity each year can put a strain on farming profitability. This is why we have a dedicated solution for farms and agriculture for alternative energy usage – where through our solar panels and other products, you can almost half your energy bills and continue with your farming methods without interruption. This also allows a significant reduction in overheads, and savings on peak time energy costs.

    A sustainable approach to farming

    Renewable energy solutions including solar, battery & more bring excellent returns on investment through savings on energy bills and generally makes you contribute to a more greener environment.

    Farming & Renewable Energy

    Renewable energy investment and its associated income stream is helping shape the future of farming. Around 40% of UK farms have already invested in renewable energy solutions like solar farms and biomass boilers. Without renewable energy, next generation farms may struggle to be financially viable.

    With proven experience within this sector, Environmental Energies can help you maximise this revenue stream, whilst reducing the reliance on National Grid.

    Switching to green energy will protect you for the long-term and reduce your reliance on expensive fossil fuels. Adopting a sustainable approach will reduce your energy bills and increase your yield., whilst keeping your processes moving with an uninterrupted service and supply of power. If you are a poultry or dairy farm – its most probable that energy and power is the by far the most demanding in terms of day to day running costs. Specialist Farms that product grain and store vegetables will most likely face similar issues. And with Energy companies increasing costs frequently, this can really hempen your profits. This is why a renewable solution is an ideal one to keep things running effectively and efficiently.

    Contact us today so we can discuss your project

    The team of experts here at Environmental Energies have installed solar panels on farms all over the UK. And we have an abundance of knowledge and insights in both roof and ground mounted systems. Our Renewable energy solutions help agricultural operations manage their environmental impact and meet carbon reduction commitments. Invest in green technologies like solar power, and protect the future of your business and your land.

    To find out more information on each of the technologies, please call us on 01858 525 407 and we can discuss your requirements in more detail. Or simply complete the contact form below and we will get back to you.


    Call us on 01858 525 407 to discuss your options

    Some Example Case Studies For Farms

    A Multi Technology Energy Solution for Church Farm

    One of the major milk suppliers to Sainsbury’s, Church Farm tend to over 700 pedigree cows. Since Dairy Farms on average use 25% of their power on hot water, Church Farm required a green energy solution that could not only fulfil this need but also provide heating for the offices and the family home.

    A Solar PV Solution for Stitches Farm

    A family owned poultry farm, Stitches Farm needed to find a renewable energy solution that could meet the high levels of energy required to heat 7 broiler houses, housing over 92,000 birds, whilst reducing their carbon emissions at the same time.

    A Multi Technology Energy Solution for Alun Dick’s Farm

    A poultry farm with nine broiler houses and three million birds a year, Alun Dicks Farm required a sustainable energy solution that reduced heating costs and carbon emissions, while working alongside the existing biomass system.

    Off Grid Solutions

    We are experts of out of the box thinking when it comes to renewable energy, particularly when there is no grid available or limited availability. Our job is to ensure you have the most effective solution available, delivered in the shortest amount of time, so you can get on with your day seamlessly.

    We have a wide range of Corporate Solutions
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