View Our Case Studies

    Environmental Energies

    Case Studies

    An Example of our Multi Technology Energy Solutions

    A large distribution centre wishes to replace its antiquated heating and lighting systems, which are both inefficient and impractical. The old systems are unable to provide an appropriate working environment throughout the year, as various individual sections across the premises have their own individual energy requirements.

    A Multi Technology Energy Solution for AMIC Haulage

    As a freight transport company with a large carbon footprint, AMIC were keen to find a way to reduce their carbon emissions and, in turn, their energy costs. Large areas of warehouse space had previously gone unheated due to the substantial cost that would be incurred for the amount of energy required. This is where Environmental Energies were able to provide a green energy solution.

    A Multi Technology Energy Solution for Church Farm

    One of the major milk suppliers to Sainsbury’s, Church Farm tend to over 700 pedigree cows. Since Dairy Farms on average use 25% of their power on hot water, Church Farm required a green energy solution that could not only fulfil this need but also provide heating for the offices and the family home.