Environmental Energies

    A Solar PV Solution for Lynfield Mount NHS Hospital, Bradford

    The Challenge

    The Lynfield Mount NHS Hospital in Bradford required a bespoke renewable energy solution that met emergency power requirements, while generating maximum energy.

    The Solution

    From the initial green energy aspirations to post-installation monitoring and maintenance, Environmental Energies have guided the hospital through the various stages involved in installing a solar PV system. The process has included assistance with FiT applications, training sessions for estates staff responsible for managing the day-to-day usage of the panels and advice for corporate managers on income generation and legal compliance.

    The Result

    Following its installation, the solar PV system is now generating approximately 15% more electricity than Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) guidelines predicted. The system is meeting the emergency power requirements of Lynfield Mount, while dramatically reducing their carbon emissions.

    “The staff expertly steered our NHS Trust from the aspiration to install a solar PV array right through to speedy and efficient installation with aftercare second to none. All Environmental Energies staff have been a joy to deal with and we will no doubt use them again as our solar PV project rolls out to further NHS Trust buildings.”

    Naomi Makin, Energy & Environment Manager

    Bradford District Care Foundation Trust